About the Business
We also very active in the community raising money for the RNLI, cancer research, GOCH and many other causes we also offer discounts to the Elderly and, Disabled. Over 90% of out Business is to homes that have been burgled, so act now before you become a Victim? Insurance - many insurance policies actually insist on a certain level of physical security, and you may find that by having high security grilles for your windows you can actually negotiate a reduced insurance bill.
Reduced break-in attempts - perception is everything, and if your premises has taken visible steps to up its security, then would-be burglars are considerably less likely to try their luck in the first place! Reduced likelihood of attempts being successful - should someone still attempt a break in despite the security measures, then you can rest assured the likelihood of the attempt being successful is significantly reduced.
Location & Hours

113 Stornoway Road